Saturday, 17 September 2011

Karl Demata “Cross the Mountain” release date – 12.09.11

Previously posted @

Probably better known for his work prog / post rock band “Crippled Black Phoenix” Karl Demata has decided it is time to release his debut CD “Cross the Mountain”.
We kick off with “Barefoot and Walking Blues” and automatically I’m reminded of the tv series “True Blood” and the musical feel based around the series.  Full of comforting foot tapping country rock / blues fluidity with guitar solos that just moves it all on to another level and this is a theme that is revisited throughout the cd, but never gets boring.
There are also sections of this CD that could quite easily sit with ease within any Pink Floyd track, especially where Karls vocals are concerned.   Vocally he’s not great, but then again neither is Dave Gilmore, but the combination of vocals and the gently caressed and expressive guitar work are both hypnotic and mind blowing and the last track “The Circus Never Comes to Town” encapsulates this perfectly.
This cd really is packed full of surprises, twists and turns that are there to be discovered by the endearing listener.  I’m on what must now be my 50th play in the last 24hrs whilst writing this review and I am still finding little gems of musical wizardry that I had missed previously.
In conclusion: This is not just another ‘run of the mill’ cd.  This is articulate musical expressionism at its best and a must for any lover of music.

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