Mitch Laddie
Right so its first gig of the year and I’m at the Robin 2, here in sunny Bilston to catch a couple of up and coming blues performers; Mitch Laddie and Dani Wild.. Although I’ve not seen either of them live before, I have been playing their latest cd’s constantly ‘which I’d like to add are both enjoyable’ over the past couple of months so my expectations for tonight are rather high.First to step up to the plate (my new catchphrase) is Mitch Laddie who kicks off with “Awakening”, which is the first track from his new “This Time Around” cd. It’s jazz funk style intro tickles your ears in a very Geoff Achison kind of way, lulling you into a false sense of security and then WHAM it hits you full on like a bloody freight train. In many ways its quite reminiscent to the outro of Fleewood Macs “The Chain” only this is a thousand times better.. On the cd this sounds good, live sounds absolutely fantastic.
The mood is set and Mitch keeps things ticking nicely over for the next hour, taking the tempo up and down. From ground level raw blues of “Here’s a drink” to the jazz, blues, funk feel of “Me Johnson” , both from the new cd and both potential classics.
As for Mitch himself it’s really hard to label him with any specific blues style. He plays with the emotion of Sayce and Achinson and the maturity of Santana. There’s also glimpses o; f Martin Taylor, Alex Skoinick and Greg Howe in there too. Not only does this make his playing style both complete and unique, but it also makes him a joy to watch. It really is hard to believe that this guy is still only 20 years old. Definitely one of the best young British blues players I’ve had the pleasure to see in a very long time.
It’s not all about Mitch though; I’d also like to take the time to mention his bass player Rhian Wilkinson, who, lets be honest is not the most charismatic bass player that I’ve ever seen, BUT, he is the first person that has ever made me want to learn to play the bass. His interaction with Mitch was superb, never understating or overstating his place on stage, no competing egos, just a perfect musical marriage. Now I finally understand why it’s cool to play the bass.
Great set guys.. Look forward to seeing you again in the future.
Set list:
Awakening, So Excited (SRV), Get You Back, Out Of My Mind (John Mayer), What Are You Living For?, Here's a Drink, Mr. Johnson & This Time Around.
Dani Wilde
With 2 cds now under her belt Dani is getting quite a reputation for being a damn good blues player / songstress, so I’m looking forward to this set, possibly more than I normally would.
She kicks off the set with “Little by Little”, which is one of my favourites from her first cd “Heal My Blues“. However the delivery doesn’t quite grab and she seems a little nervous, but this seems to settle down as we make our way through the first song. “Red Blooded Women” is next up from the new “Shine” cd and wow.. what a difference, what a voice. Not quite as raunchy as Joanne Shaw Taylor, she’s quite a bit more soulful and has a tonal range that reminds me of Skin from “Skunk Anansie” which is good.
Joining Dani on stage is her brother “Will ‘Harmonica’ Wilde” who when not gigging with Dani has his own band “The Neptune Blues Band”, but I digress. Now as you might have guessed from the hint in his name Will plays the harp, which, as anyone that really knows me will tell you is quite possibly my favourite instrument of all time. Now getting back to the cd “Shine”.. I like it, but there’s something missing and I realized what it was tonight and that’s the harp.. Although it is there on the cd its too far in the background and not a dominant force, but tonight its in your face and its bloody beautiful, this is how it should be and not over produced out of existence.. Short rant over.

Halfway through the set Dani loses a string. Un-phased Dani brings the acoustic out a few songs earlier than planned and carries on with the original set, leaving Will to cover the big solos on the harp. However, whilst as a harp lover this was great for me, I just find it hard to understand why she didn’t have a spare guitar in the wings?
This aside it works well and we get to the end of the set and then Will is kicked back onto stage to do an impromptu solo whilst Dani restrings her guitar, which was pretty impressive to ay the least, not the stringing of the guitar, but Wills singing. Guitar restrung were treated to one more song before the lights go up and its all over.
Well I walked into the Robin with very high expectations and I wasn’t in the least disappointed, Dani was a revelation to me and a joy to behold. The added bonus for me though was Will.. I don’t think he will ever be remembered as a great harp player, but he’s pretty good and he managed to introduce a new dimension to Danis music that I hadn’t heard on the CD.
In brief - A fantastic night that was over far too quick and left me wanting more.
Set list:
Little by Little, Red Blooded Woman, Shine, Some Kinda Crazy, Abandoned Child, Slow Coach, Love Me Like A Man, Bring Your Lovin Home, Miss You & In The Mood.