Monday, 3 January 2011

Black Country Communion @ The Civic halls, Wolverhampton. - 29.12.10

Yearly round up to follow..

Well what happened to the yearly round-up?  It didnt happen, i'm afraid, mainly due to health reasons that I won't bore you with.  All I will say is; 2010, on the whole,  was a fantastic yuear for me on the gig tog point.. I got to see some fantastic bands, meet some wonderful people even made a little money, which is good.

Highlight of the year for me was "Black Country Communion" with "Eric Bibb" coming a very close second.. what a contrast.

Much thanks to Pete and the Midlands Rocks team who helped make 2010 such a great year.

And a special mention has to go to Mike for putting such a great little venue on my doorstep.. Of cours I'm talking about the Robin 2.